Membership Matters!
In a changing and uncertain world find meaning
and connection in a community of our own.
Now is the time to renew your membership!
Yes, it’s that time of year. Membership at Temple Beth-El expires for all of us on June 30, so please go on line and renew today here.
Our recommended Terumah/ membership dues amount remains at $2700 (same as last year) and of course, is still on a free will basis. We continue to ask that you are as generous as you can be with us while being as realistic as you can with yourselves.
And don’t forget to pay the $75 per year Security Surcharge to help us defray the cost of security guards for services and religious school.
Autopay memberships are automatically renewed. If you previously chose to pay your Terumah! with recurring charges to your credit/debit card you are all set.
New: Please consider joining our Benefactor Circle with a Terumah! pledge of $3600 or more for this coming year.