Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years


“When I learned that Shabbat is the holiest of holy days I realized why I was so drawn to Temple Beth-El every Friday night–the entire service speaks to me, the blessings and joyful singing, the prayers for peace and gratitude, the sermons, the Torah readings, the blessings for the ill and the deceased.” – Lari Schwartz

Services at Temple Beth-El are filled with music, joyous song and meaningful spiritual expression. Whether you are a regular shul-goer, need a place to say kaddish, are looking for a way to reconnect with your Judaism, just exploring or simply want a place to be among good people, you are welcome here.

At Temple Beth-El our services have two purposes: to connect to the holy and to connect to each other. We come from many different backgrounds religiously and theologically. Prayer allows us to access the inner and outer dimensions that some call God. We do this through the poetry of the siddur (prayer book), the melodies that lift the spirit, personal meditation space, and the sense of connection to centuries of Jews who have been spiritual seekers.

Whether you join us for a Friday evening service, an intimate Shabbat morning minyan or bar mitzvah, a festival celebration, or the majesty of the High Holy Days, we hope you will be refreshed and inspired.

Those of other faiths are welcome at all our services. As we are taught, “My House is a House of prayer for all people.”

On the First Friday of each month, services will begin at 6:30pm. All other Friday night services will begin at 7:30pm. Our First Friday services will remain our most family friendly and will continue to be coordinated with our Religious School.

Please mark your calendars!

Our Shabbat morning and bar mitzvah services begin at 10:30 am.

Temple Beth-El’s sanctuary is equipped with livestream technology. Click here to participate in our services from home.

To read a selection of Rabbi Moritt’s sermons and messages, click here.

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Shabbat Information