Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years

What is Membership?

B’ruchim Ha-baim! Welcome to Temple Beth-El!


Who are the members of Temple Beth-El?

People just like you and those different from you.

People who care about Judaism or the Jewish people or Jewish values.

People who are questioning and exploring.

People who are new to Judaism and those who have deep roots in Jewish living.

People who grew up in every kind of Jewish home, or who come from other religious backgrounds or no religion at all.

People who believe in an open-minded approach to Judaism.

People who are committed to building on the 150 year legacy of Temple Beth-El by applying the teachings of Judaism to the challenges of our own times.

People who are looking for a community in which to: Celebrate the flow of the Jewish year.  Learn about Judaism. Strengthen Jewish life.  Do good in the world.  Teach the next generation.  Seek God.

Come visit and see how well you fit in at Temple Beth-El!

How much does it cost to become a member?

In 2012 our congregation transitioned from a traditional dues model to our Terumah system: free will annual pledging.  Our members choose their own annual giving amount. Click here to read more.

How do I learn more about membership – or join?

Just follow our Membership Path. It will lead you through all the steps.

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