Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years

Membership Application

Please use this form after you have spoken with Rabbi Moritt about membership.  If you would like to join and have not yet spoken with her, please make an appointment.  You can reach her by e-mail at or by phone at 201-333-4229.

For use by new applicants to the synagogue. Please note, our bylaws require at least one adult in a member household be Jewish. Please list a Jewish member of your household as ‘Applicant 1.’ This is a 3-page form. The bar below tells which page you are on.

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant Information

Applicant #1 - Jewish?*
Applicant #2 - Jewish?
Non-Jewish Member Choice
Date of Birth

Jewish Background

Applicant #1 - Check all that apply:
Applicant #2 - Check all that apply:
Applicant #1 - Temple Engagement
Which of your skills and interests can you offer to deepen your connection to the community and help strengthen TBE?
Applicant #2 - Temple Engagement
Which of your skills and interests can you offer to deepen your connection to the community and help strengthen TBE?
For the current fiscal year, our operating budget depends on an average of $2800 per household. If you need to pledge less, please do so. If you are able to pledge more, please share your blessings. Please consider joining our Benefactor Circle by donating $3600 in Terumah this year. Questions before filling this out? Contact - Philip Gary

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