Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years

My Wife Needs Your Help

Please read this important letter and share it with your family and friends:

Danielle Crone now has End Stage Kidney Disease and desperately needs a life-saving donor surgery.

When Danielle, aged 55, arrived in Canada as a young immigrant, eager to begin a new and exciting life, she did not know that her kidneys were beginning to fail her. A month after arriving, in 1998, she experienced her first of many gout attacks, so strong that she was unable to walk for days on end. To treat her pain, she took anti-inflammatory medications. But while the medication removed her pain, unbeknownst to her, they were attacking her already-weak kidneys.

Since her arrival to Canada, she has since learned to speak English, had the opportunity to work and make a life for herself, and started a family. But after a few months of taking anti-inflammatories, a routine exam revealed the extent of the damage: her kidney function was declining rapidly, to the point where kidney failure was an immediate concern. She was then immediately referred to a kidney specialist, who warned her that her kidneys would continue decreasing in function. At the time, since she wanted to start a family, she had the option of taking a break from the anti-inflammatories in place of another medication. But doing so came at a cost: she would not form the family she desperately wanted. She made the extremely difficult decision to keep taking the medication— under the specialist’s watchful eye — until her family was completed.

Once she had a family, she switched to a less-damaging substitute medication. She believed that her kidneys would not continue declining. But, to her dismay, they did. She now has Stage 4 Renal failure, and is nearing Stage 5: complete kidney failure. While to her and her family it felt like all hope was lost, she discovered a new shimmer of light: kidney surgery.

Danielle is now working with Renewal, a remarkable non-profit organization. They have found publicity campaigns to be an effective technique, and it is best to cast as wide a net as possible. So, I am sending you this message in the hope
that you or someone you know is able and willing to do the incredible kindness of donating a kidney in order to save a life. There are many that have donated a kidney, and their health is fine.

To learn how you can save a life or for more information about kidney donation, please call 416-628-7633 or email Renewal’s website is All inquiries to Renewal are strictly confidential
and are without any obligation. They can also put you in touch with others who have donated a kidney and are willing to share their experience. All medical costs for evaluations and surgery are covered by OHIP. Auxiliary costs such as travel expenses and lodging, will be covered by Renewal. Please share this message to as many people as you can. You never know whether or not there is
someone out there who will respond to this urgent need.

Thank you,
The Crone Family

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