Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years

Registration for the 5783/2022 High Holy Days is Now Open

After another year that many of us spent too often apart from loved ones and each other, we are very pleased to start registration for our in-sanctuary High Holy Day services for 2022/5783. Registration for all High Holy Day Services is once again required for all and no one will gain admission without registration and authorization.

This year, we are allowing a slightly higher number of friends to join us in person at Temple Beth-El for the High Holy Days. Specifically, 300 masked and vaccinated* people will be permitted to attend our adult services and 200 masked and vaccinated people will be permitted to attend our Family Services. While we are proud of our history of welcoming all regardless of membership status, this year, once again, for reasons of health, ethics and fairness, we must prioritize our members in good standing in calculating attendance.

We remain committed to providing a home for the High Holy Days for all who need it. In order to do that, we rely on all who benefit from having a place at TBE for the High Holy Days to donate to the Temple and ensure that we can continue to provide our services for all who need them.

If you have not yet submitted or renewed your membership with a Terumah pledge and payment, you must do that before you are considered for priority High Holy Day entrance. You can renew your membership or join Temple Beth-El here.** Non-members and others who kindly wish to make a donation to Temple Beth-El can do that here.

The cut-off date to renew your membership/join to guarantee High Holy Day admission is August 15. We will advise non-member registrants about their admission status no later than Friday, September 9. All may register for High Holy Days here.

While our leadership stands behind these decisions for our collective and individual health and wellness, we understand this policy may exclude some unvaccinated members. While we highly encourage you to perform the mitzvah (spiritual imperative) of being vaccinated for Covid-19 in time to attend, please see the full list of services below, some of which do not require vaccination. If vaccination is not possible for you, click here to watch all of our sanctuary services on YouTube.

We will again require vaccination documentation for all those age 12 and older. If you have previously submitted vaccination documentation, it is not necessary to do so again. All others must send their documentation to Bob Kahan, our Office Manager. Bob can also confirm he has your documentation if you are not sure.

Finally, you can help add to the beauty and sanctity of our services with your presence by ushering. Please consider taking a short shift at one of our services by signing up here.

We very much look forward to being together as a sacred community this holiday season and elevating our voices in prayer and song.


Philip Gary, VP, Religious Practices

Kristin Michaelson, Chair, Religious Practices

Rabbi Leana Moritt

*We require vaccinations for all over the age of 12 and highly recommend that all children be vaccinated, but do not require it. To be considered for entrance to these services, all attendees must agree to remain masked at all times indoors; and (if over age 12) can attest to being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as defined by the CDC, i.e., 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. We do require vaccination documentation in advance.
**If you have previously established automatic credit card payments toward your membership, your membership is automatically renewed and you do not need to re-pledge. However, you must still register for High Holy Days here. However, we hope you will consider raising your contribution this year. To do that, simply follow the link and enter your new credit card charge. Any increase is tremendously appreciated this year.

Yamim Nora’im 5783

High Holy Days 2022

Schedule of Services



7.30pm Saturday September 17


Rosh Hashana

Sunday, September 25

8.00pm Erev Rosh Hashana*


Monday September 26

10.00am Rosh Hashana I*

1.30pm Shofar & Shmooze on our front steps ***

2.30pm Family Services for Rosh Hashana**

4.30pm Tashlich in Liberty State Park***


Tuesday September 27

10.00am Rosh Hashana II*


Yom Kippur

Tuesday, October 4

6.30pm Kol Nidrei*


Wednesday, October 5

10.00am Yom Kippur Morning Services*

2.00pm Contemplative Meditative Walk in Lincoln Park led by Robb Kushner***

2.00pm Family Services for Yom Kippur**

3.30pm Yizkor*

4.30pm Mincha/Ne’ilah & Havdalah*


*Indicates a cap of 300 people

**Indicates a cap of 200 people

***Outdoors & Available to all.

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