10/27/2022–As of now we have decided to drop all mask and vaccine requirements. We will no longer be collecting vaccine documentation or requiring vaccines or masks. We have, however, established a “mask required” section of the sanctuary for people who feel most comfortable sitting near other masked people.
5/20/2022–Given the currently high COVID infection rates, we request that everyone remain masked when inside the Temple. We hope that this is a temporary situation.
3/15/2022–Covid Times, The Are A-Changing (we pray!)
An Important Announcement In Temple Beth-El’s Covid Rules
With the decrease in virus transmission and the new CDC guidelines*, the Temple’s Building Transition Committee is pleased to announce the new protocols for our services, classes and events.
Effective immediately, we will now be mask-optional for people who have submitted documentation that they are fully vaccinated.
What does this mean?
- If you have not yet submitted documentation of your vaccination and booster status to our office, please do so now. We will be keeping a list on hand of our members and students who have submitted vaccination and booster documentation. If you have not submitted proof of vaccination, please expect to be asked to stay masked until you can show such documentation. You can send you and your family’s documentation to Bob Kahan, our Office Manager at office@betheljc.org. You can also bring it to school or services where the list can also be updated. The list will be updated weekly and checked at school and during services and events.
- If you are vaccinated, masking will optional. No one at any event, service or class, including teachers or students, should request that anyone remove their mask at any time.
- Onegs, Shabbat dinners and events with food will resume! Events with a meal (i.e. Shabbat dinners and our Passover Seder) are strictly vaccine required. Everyone must provide proof of vaccination prior to attending. People who do not provide proof of vaccination are not permitted to attend.
- Onegs will resume after services, although people who are not on our list or have not provided proof of vaccination should keep their mask on (i.e., they should not be eating / drinking during the oneg).
- Neither vaccines nor masks are required for children under the age of 5.
- For the protection of our staff and membership, protocols for those events which we believe will contain a significant number of unvaccinated people will evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- As with everything Covid, these rules are subject to change as the situations changed, hopefully only for the better.
We are incredibly grateful to our leadership and our membership who have shown good humor, reverence for life, health and community by abiding by our often-changing rules, sticking together and supporting Temple Beth-El over these last 2 years. May we go from strength to strength and health to heath.
* https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html
* https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html
COVID Protocols for Onegs