Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years

Yamim Nora’im 5783 / High Holy Days 2022 Schedule of Services

You can find our services online on YouTube Live at this link:

Friday, October 7

6:30pm – First Friday Family Shabbat Services / 7th Grade Shabbat


Sunday, October 9

9:30am – Build & Decorate the Sukkah

5:30pm – Pot Luck Dinner & Song in the Sukkah


Friday, October 14

6:00-7:30pm – Community Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah (All attendees must register by Tuesday, Oct 11 at: Check “Shabbat Dinner.” Cost: $18./adult $10/child 3-10. All help with cleanup and we suggest you bring wine to share. You must show documentation of being fully vaccinated & (if eligible) boosted against COVID-19 to remove your mask in our building at any time. Please send a photo of your documentation to

7:30-8:30pm Oneg Shabbat in the Sukkah (All are welcome. No preregistration required to attend the Oneg. We will offer the opportunity to say Kaddish for those in mourning our observing a yahrzeit.)


Saturday, October 15

10:30am – Tot Shabbat in the Sukkah


Sunday, October 16

6:00pm – Religious School Consecration

7:00pm – Simchat Torah Celebration


Monday, October 17

9:00-10:00 – Yizkor (Zoom only)







All our services are now in person from our sanctuary and live-streamed on YouTube:
You must show documentation of being fully vaccinated & (if eligible) boosted against COVID-19 to remove your mask in our building at any time. Please send a photo of your documentation to

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